October 18, 2024

What we do

Disseminate Knowledge  and Spread awareness  on Road Engineering

Preparation of Detailed Project Report

A sound Detailed project report leads to proper forecasting of estimate and scope of workwhich eventualy lead to realistic bidding and completion of project without any time & cost over-run and without disputes. It was observed in number of projects, where  project reports were not perfect and found wanting in details of the various engineering Surveys, which either not done properly or not taken into considerations at all and various clearances from the statutory Authorities were also not taken up before execution, got delayed with huge cost overrun and lead to disputes. Now modern tools like digital maps, satellite imageries, use of (UAV) drones and instrumented vehicle can be made effectively to fast track preparation of accurate detailed project report by collecting the inventory correctly in a least possible time. Further use of design softwares makes it easy to design and accurately make assessment of the quantities of various items. The most important thing is to economise the cost of the construction as well as cut down the carbon footprint. It is imperative to take into account the local available materials, manpower and other available resources while choosing design/ type of pavement. Before deciding mode of execution and contract format, the possible economic development and cascading effect has to be assessed, so that it can be designed to be taken up either as a public funded project or on PPP mode.

  The training module is designed to address all these issues and make the practicing engineers aware of all the possible alternatives while planning, preparing DPR and deciding the contract format etc.

Development of Quality Assurance System

Developing a quality assurance system is sine-Qua-none for developing a highway infrastructure project which meets all the serviceability conditions. It is often found that road and appurtenances attached to it  do not meet standard specification on the built highway project which leads to discomfort to the traffic as well as make it accident prone and leads to safety concerns, besides premature failure. Training of field engineers in selecting the proper material beforehand, design and checking out the mixed material at site before laying and ensuring that all such material is of quality specifications and further insistence on proper methodology for construction leads to  proper development of safe and durable infrastructure which meets all the specification. Training module will address various specifications and tolerances for material and acceptance criteria for finished items to establish a sound Quality assurance system at site.

Bridge. Inspection repair, and Rehabilitation  And Bridge Health monitoring systems.

×Bridges are the most  important component of a highway infrastructure, providing critical connection for transportation. Regular inspection, repair and rehabilitation  are essential to ensure their safety, functionality and longevity. Here is why training of Engineers is vital in this context. Although, a bridge is designed for 50 to 100 Years of its life. But the life can always be prolonged  with proper inspection, and timely repair/ rehabilitation.  Foundation aims to train Engineers to use advanced inspection techniques such as non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring  to assess the condition of bridges. These techniques help in detecting hidden defects and vulnerabilities that might not be apparent through visual inspection alone.

While constructing a major Bridge, its Health monitoring systems need to be installed for getting regular updates on its health. So that any need for repair can be addressed in time.

The foundation  will provide much-needed assistance in this field for institutional strengthening.

×Road Safety Campaign

Safety on roads is one of the major challenges being faced by highway engineers in India. India has the highest number of road accidents in the world. About 5,00,000 fatal injuries takes place and 1.5 lakhs people lose their life on highways every year. Safety has multidimensional issues and needs curative efforts accordingly. Out of the 4 Es which affects the safety of the road users, he first and foremost is the road engineering for which only highway engineer/ developer is responsible. The next major reason is noncompliance to traffic rules, ie high speed, usage of mobiles, non usage of helmets, seat belt etc. which comes under the preview of law and order under enforcement Authorities. However awareness among the road users for following all safety norms would be very helpful to ensure safety.  Road safety audit plays an important role in addressing all the issues and bringing out the need for rectifying the defects on the highway to make it  safe. The Foundation aims to work on both fronts ie training of the practising engineers in road safety aspects of the highway and safety audit during operation of the highway project and launching safety Campaign to create awareness among roadusers.

×  Road safety Audit

Development of Road Management System

Road Management System (RMS) ensures  a systematic approach which include collecting an inclusive inventory for road network at a fixed interval which presents the condition of the road network viz a viz its age of construction, site and weather condition. Mathematical models are prepared to assess the future need of repair and maintenance to properly plan and make budgetary requirement. Integration with GIS make it more productive for planning and decision making. Foundation will assist in preparing a guideline for developing RMS and “Operation and Maintenance Plan”.

Development of Bridge Management System

×Bridge management system involves collecting inventory of all the bridges and integrating it with GIS to make an assessment of need of repair rehabilitation and maintenance of a bridge and also preparing a proper plan and Budget for the same. It will also help in prolonging the life of the bridges with timely repair and maintenance. The system is not properly developed so far in the country and need proper attention at the moment. As a rough estimate there are more than 5,00,000 bridges on the National Highway and state highway network and more than 1000 major bridges exceeding their length more than 200 metres. Most of the bridges which had been constructed in last decade has not been inspected reguralarly and given any maintenance. The routine inspection is also missing as was done earlier ie twice in a year that is before monsoon and after monsoon. The system needs to be reintroduced and inventory to be updated. A proper bridge management system need to be developed for ensuring smooth operation of highway infrastructure network.

The experts in the foundation having vast experience in bridges will guide to prepare a bridge manage system and guideline for repair and rehabilitation of the bridges.


×Institutional Strengthening in Contract Management, Dispute Resolution,  Arbitration and techno-legal advice

Contract management requires a thorough knowledge of contract and highway engineering, Specifications for road and bridge works. It also requires a clear understanding of various clauses and their inter-relation to analyze the dispute and suggest an amicable resolution to avoid prolonged arbitration which many times affect the progress of the project badly besides affecting the clients interest and making the project cost very high because of time and cost overrun. Members of the Foundation with vast knowledge in construction management and dispute resolution will provide services for properly analyzing it and resolving the same in least possible time which will ensure smooth execution of projects.

Green Technology

Natural resources ie. minor minerals are getting depleted day by day and need to be used Judiciously. It is important now to use the marginal material as well which are locally available instead of importing minor Minerals from far off distant places which not only denies the usage of local material besides being costly making the road construction cost very high and simultaneously fast degrading environment. Uses of local materials ie jute, coir, waste material/ plastic, industrial waste, bamboos etc. for ground improvement, pavement and slope protection measures, using marginal local materials with soil stabilsers will further enhance the usability of local materials and provide employment to the local peoples besides being economical. There is a”need to adopt appropriate technology which is best for the given site conditions ie Soil substrata, drainage conditions, weather conditions etc. Usage of various technologies for pavement construction can also be decided based on the locally available material and relative cost of construction depending on the density of traffic. Recycling of pavement is another technology which need to be popularised to reduce cabon footprint besides reduced usage of fresh minor minerals. The foundation would be bringing out best practices on case to case basis.

Forensic Studies

Very often we come across many instances of failure of Highway pavement, retaining walls as well as Bridge structures and it’s restoration/reconstruction, It is much more important  to investigate the reason for Such premature failures and take further corrective actions  to avoid such mistakes in future constructions.

With proper methodology and Technology  the expert members of the foundation having vast experience in the field  will provide such services to the needy organizations.